Billionär Ray Dalio warnt USA und China vor drohendem Krieg und Zusammenbruch des Handels –

Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio has warned in a LinkedIn post that the United States and China are “on the brink of war” and are “beyond the ability to talk”. He added that their relations “are getting so bad” that US-China trade could collapse. Dalio, who has visited China for almost four decades, shared his perspectives from his recent 13-day trips to China, as well as meetings with Chinese citizens, experts on China residing outside the country, and policymakers in other countries, including the US. The billionaire noted that the next 18 months “will be a very risky period.” Dalio stressed that the US and China are very close to having a sanctions war and/or military war. He clarified, “I want to emphasize that by saying that they are on the brink, I don’t mean to say that the...

Quelle: Billionär Ray Dalio warnt USA und China vor drohendem Krieg und Zusammenbruch des Handels – - Kryptonews aktuell
