Schwierigkeitsgrad des Bitcoin-Minings wird nach fünf aufeinanderfolgenden Erhöhungen voraussichtlich sinken - Bitcoin-News from BTC-ECHO
Bitcoin Difficulty Estimated to Drop After 5 Back-to-Back Increases Bitcoin’s recent network activity has caused a buzz in the cryptocurrency world. The imminent change in the network’s mining difficulty is heading towards a possible decline, marking the first decrease since February 12, 2023. Also, with the current block times in place, the mining participants of the network may finally see a drop. The network has witnessed a significant upswing in difficulty of around 22.62% since block height 778,176, before a possible decrease. Presently, the decline in Bitcoin’s difficulty level could potentially take place around May 4, 2023, with the hashrate of the network currently standing at 332 exahash per second (EH/s) after experiencing a dip to 290 EH/s on Tuesday. The block intervals or ...
Quelle: Schwierigkeitsgrad des Bitcoin-Minings wird nach fünf aufeinanderfolgenden Erhöhungen voraussichtlich sinken - Bitcoin-News from BTC-ECHO - Kryptonews aktuell
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