ChatGPT ist der neue Krypto, erklärt Meta - Malware-Akteure missbrauchen die AI-Begeisterung Kürzere Version: ChatGPT als neue Kryptowährung gefeiert - Malware-Akteure nutzen AI-Trend aus

Chatgpt, an AI-based chatbot developed by Openai, is the latest tool being used by malware creators to entice users into downloading malicious apps and browser extensions. Meta, the corporation behind Facebook, has identified around ten malware families and over 1,000 malicious links that have been promoted as Chatgpt tools since March. According to Reuters, the company has warned of the rising trend and is now preparing its defenses for a variety of potential abuses related to generative AI technologies like Chatgpt. During the briefing, its Chief Information Security Officer, Guy Rosen, and other Meta executives pointed out that for bad actors, Chatgpt has become the “new crypto.” Some instances of malware have delivered working Chatgpt functionality alongside malware, Meta noted. The t...

Quelle: ChatGPT ist der neue Krypto, erklärt Meta - Malware-Akteure missbrauchen die AI-Begeisterung Kürzere Version: ChatGPT als neue Kryptowährung gefeiert - Malware-Akteure nutzen AI-Trend aus - Kryptonews aktuell
