Peter Schiff warnt vor kommender Wirtschaftskrise und kritisiert manipulierte Inflationszahlen –

Peter Schiff, chief economist of Europac and best-selling author, has issued a warning about an impending new Great Depression in America. In an interview, Schiff stated that official Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers were designed to mislead the public and that the country was heading towards a depression worse than the one experienced in the 1930s. Schiff commented that this crisis will partly originate from the high inflation levels that the government is fueling by increasing public spending, which will affect the qualification of the U.S. public debt. The economist believes that this upcoming Great Depression will be different from its 1930s predecessor due to the continued rise of prices and the loss of purchasing power of Americans. Schiff also criticized the way CPI numbers are ...

Quelle: Peter Schiff warnt vor kommender Wirtschaftskrise und kritisiert manipulierte Inflationszahlen – - Kryptonews aktuell
