Robert Kennedy Jr. warnt vor einer Wirtschaftskrise – Banken sind nicht die einzige Gefahr

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently launched his presidential campaign, has warned about an incoming economic “mega-crisis”. He claims that the banking collapse was only the tip of the iceberg. Kennedy also criticized President Joe Biden’s proposed crypto mining tax, which would impose a 30% tax on cryptocurrency mining. Kennedy stated that the US government must not restrict the cryptocurrency industry as it is a significant innovation engine. He believes that if more control is exerted over cryptocurrencies, it would hurt the dissidents, ordinary citizens, and innovation in general as governments can use the same measures to crush dissent. Governments need to restore faith in themselves if the public is expected to trust them with personal information and data. Kennedy advocates that cas...

Quelle: Robert Kennedy Jr. warnt vor einer Wirtschaftskrise – Banken sind nicht die einzige Gefahr - Kryptonews aktuell
