Behauptungen des ehemaligen Twitter-CEOs Ethereum Handelt es sich um ein Wertpapier? Wird sich dies auf die Preise auswirken?
Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, recently stated in response to a comment on June 6th that Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, is a security under US law. Dorsey's claim implies that ETH holders should comply with the rules enforced by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Dorsey, a well-known bitcoin supporter and CEO of Square Inc, a financial services company that owns Cash App, has been an outspoken advocate for the underlying technology of BTC. He believes that bitcoin can change the way money is exchanged and can help create a more equitable financial system. Square is already invested in bitcoin, and Cash App continues to process billions of dollars worth of BTC transactions. Officials from the SEC and Commodity Futures Trading C...
Quelle: Behauptungen des ehemaligen Twitter-CEOs Ethereum Handelt es sich um ein Wertpapier? Wird sich dies auf die Preise auswirken? - Kryptonews aktuell
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